Why Wax?

The main difference between waxing and shaving is that with waxing, we are removing the root of the hair follicle as you take off the wax in one clean motion. Results last anywhere between 4 -6 weeks! Shaving has short term benefits and hair will grow back quicker and thicker in just a few days for some, since you are cutting the hair shaft at the thickest part of the hair. Also, shaving leaves your skin irritated, red, and itchy.

Our Policies

  • 1.) If you or someone close to you has tested POSITIVE for COVID-19, please cancel your appointment ASAP. Every client is reminded of their upcoming appointment 2 days beforehand, so please listen to your body and DO NOT wait until the day of your appointment to NO SHOW or CANCEL day of. Results in NO SHOWS or day of CANCELS will be subject to the FULL COST of the service.

    For further questions, please visit: www.colorado.gov/dora

  • 7 MINUTE WAIT POLICY for all services from the start of your appointment is in effect for all clients. After 7 Minutes, clients are considered a NO SHOW.

    All CANCELS and NO SHOWS will be the cost of the service. All clients are reminded 2 DAYS PRIOR to their appointment to CONFIRM, CANCEL or RESCHEDULE their appointment. Please be mindful of your Estheticians’ time. They are showing up for you, so please show up for them!